Women Owned Businesses in the San Fernando Valley
Top Female Entrepreneurs
Stephanie Wagner was chosen one of the top 20 female entrepreneurs in the San Fernando Valley by the San Fernando Valley Business Journal for 2017. Read the article.

Become an Engineer Campaign
WES was again a participant in the “Become an Engineer” Campaign 2015. Bernardo Navarette, Stephanie Wagner, PE, PLS, Mark Vinluan, EIT and David Bejarano, PE participated by presenting to local High School Students in the San Fernando Valley, information on what it’s like to be an engineer. WES has participated in this program for many years.

HXGN Conference
Mark Vinluan, EIT, LSIT, a designer and point cloud specialist, presented to an audience of engineers at the HXGN Conference. Mark is driving the firm’s evolution into laser scanning using the Leica Nova MS60 MultiStation and related point cloud software. The projects he presented included the 6th Street Bridge, CA High Speed Rail and Runways at LAX.

2010 American Council of Engineering Companies
California (ACEC-CA) Small Firm Merit Award for the I-710 Corridor Project EIR/EIS Engineering/Environmental Component No. PS4340-1939

American Council of Engineering Companies – Los Angeles County Chapter (ACEC-LA) 2011 Member Firm of the Year
WES Participates in the Civil Design portion of the remediation of the landslide, which occurred in November 2011, in San Pedro,California. This project won
the 2014 Engineering Excellence Merit Award for Dewatering Repairs. The team consists of Shannon & Wilson, Inc., City of Los Angeles – Bureau of Engineering, Wagner Engineering & Survey, Inc. and Cefali & Associates, Inc.

WES Gives Back
Wagner Engineering & Survey, Inc. supports the Grover Cleveland High School Baseball Program in Reseda, California.

1996 National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) – Stephanie A. Wagner, Woman of the Year in Construction
1996 National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) – Stephanie A. Wagner, Woman of the Year in Construction

Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyor of California Los Angeles County Chapter (CELSOC-LA) – 2005 Member Firm of the Year
Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyor of California Los Angeles County Chapter (CELSOC-LA) – 2005 Member Firm of the Year

CALTRANS – 1993 Excellence in Transportation Facilities Award
WES was on the construction management team and produced mapping in compliance with AGIS Program Requirements. Once constructed, this project was awarded the Quality in Construction Award from the Asphalt Pavement Association in 2011.